Starting next Tuesday, October 21, "Mondesi's House Readers Rule Week Sponsored by Champion" will kick off. It will be a week-long celebration of all things Pittsburgh, not through my eyes, but through yours.
The schedule of events is as follows:
Tuesday, October 21: "READER ROUNDTABLE"
I will be gathering some of the most loyal Mondesi's House emailers for their opinions on a few Pittsburgh-centric questions of an historical nature. I promise you, this will be very entertaining and from very informed Pittsburgh fans hailing from around the country.
YOUR INPUT NEEDED! For this feature, I'm looking for your thoughts on the things you miss about Pittsburgh that aren't there anymore (and not necessarily sports-related). Myron Cope's voice on the radio? Getting a frozen Coke at Hill's department store? The Three Rivers stands bouncing up and down? Hearing "Marioooooo Lemieuuuuuuuuux" at the "Civic" Arena? Think along those lines.
I plan on making this a compilation of as many submissions as possible. Try to keep them brief, but have fun with it.
Thursday, October 23: "READER PHOTO HALL OF FAME"
YOUR INPUT NEEDED! I'm looking for your BEST Pittsburgh-related photos. Examples include you with a famous Pittsburgh athlete, a Pittsburgh-themed memorabilia room, or the old favorite, Terrible Towels in exotic locations.
More details on this to come.
Friday, October 24: "FREE PLUG FRIDAY"
YOUR INPUT NEEDED! As far as I know, this is an unprecedented offer. If you are a Mondesi's House reader and run/work for a Pittsburgh-based business (or out of town business that Pittsburghers could still use), I will give you a one-time free plug. Have a downtown pizza shop? Sell insurance in the suburbs? Now is your chance to get free exposure in front of a wide audience.
A few rules on this:
1. Please send the business name, location, website, phone number, description, and your name (if you wish).
2. No blogs, please. If you have a blog, please visit the site's FAQ section and we'll get you a permanent sidebar link.
3. I have the right to reject any submission for any reason I deem appropriate. I don't expect to use this, but we can't let this be abused. It's meant as a thank you to the worker bees among us.
To submit your Pittsburgh Memories of things no longer there, click here (deadline is Tuesday 10/21 at 5 PM EST)
To submit your Pittsburgh photos, click here
(deadline is Wednesday 10/22 at 5 PM EST)
To submit your business for Free Plug Friday, click here
(deadline is Thursday 10/23 at 5 PM EST)
Be sure to click their links and check out the new Champion apparel!