The picture shown above, from the 2003 SI Swimsuit issue, features Roger Clemens with wife Debbie. Debbie's photoshoot is now being used as the reason that she was allgedly injected with HGH from trainer Brian McNamee.
By the way, for those of you looking for pure irony, another muscular slugger and his wife posed for the magazine in 2005:
1 comment:
In response to the petition written by the fans of the New England Patriots, I have created my own petition to have Roger Goodell reexamine his punishment for the Patriots illegal sideline taping. I was hoping you could post this on your site so we could get as many people to sign it as possible.
To: National Football League; Commissioner Roger Goodell
We the fans of every team in the NFL besides the New England Patriots demand that the National Football League and Commissioner Roger Goodell reexamine their ruling on the New England Patriots illegal sideline taping scandal. Being fans of all 31 other teams in the NFL except the New England Patriots, we feel as though our teams have been at a significant disadvantage when playing the Patriots given that they had the aid of illegally obtained footage. For this very reason, we feel as though the National Football League and Commissioner Roger Goodell should take all or parts of the following punishments:
1. Bill Belichick be forced to wear a three piece suit on the sidelines during every game he coaches for the rest of his career.
2. The Patriots forfeit their 1st round pick in every NFL draft between now and the year 2099.
3. All teams scheduled to play the New England Patriots in the upcoming season be provided with the New England Patriots entire offensive playbook prior to playing them in order to gain the same advantage the Patriots obtained illegally.
4. The New England Patriots play every game in the upcoming season on the road.
5. The New England Patriots must play every down in the upcoming season with only 10 players.
6. The New England Patriots franchise be fined One Billion Dollars ($1,000,000,000).
7. The New England Patriots franchise be moved to Alaska.
Commissioner’s Authority
The Commissioner has sole authority to investigate and to take appropriate disciplinary or corrective measures if any club action, nonparticipant interference, or emergency occurs in an NFL game which he deems so unfair or outside the accepted tactics encountered in professional football that such action has a major effect on the result of a game.
No Club Protests
The authority and measures provided for in this section (UNFAIR ACTS) do not constitute a protest machinery for NFL clubs to dispute the result of a game. The Commissioner will conduct an investigation under this section only to review an act or occurrence that he deems so unfair that the result of the game in question may be inequitable to one of the participating teams. The Commissioner will not apply his authority under this section when a club registers a complaint concerning judgmental errors or routine errors of omission by game officials. Games involving such complaints will continue to stand as completed.
Penalties for Unfair Acts
The Commissioner’s powers under this section (UNFAIR ACTS) include the imposition of monetary fines and draft choice forfeitures, suspension of persons involved, and, if appropriate, the reversal of a game’s result or the rescheduling of a game, either from the beginning or from the point at which the extraordinary act occurred. In the event of rescheduling a game, the Commissioner will be guided by the procedures specified above ("Procedures for Starting and Resuming Games" under EMERGENCIES). In all cases, the Commissioner will conduct a full investigation, including the opportunity for hearings, use of game videotape, and any other procedures he deems appropriate.
Please do the right thing and make the New England Patriots punishment fit their crime.
The Undersigned
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