Well this isn’t Sega. It’s real life. On Monday, Coach Therrien’s starting line consisted of three centers (#25 - #11 - #16). The Filewich-Brent-Minard line (I don’t even know their numbers) made their season debut, not just as a group, but as individuals. The whole trio has the combined NHL experience of 15 games, and it’s all credited to Tim Brent’s brief stint with Anaheim last season.
Yesterday, Sidney Crosby announced to the world that he’s giving up hockey for Lent. We are one bad rut in the ice away from Kenny the Cotton Candy Guy cracking the fourth line.
He can peddle spun sugar, but can he forecheck?
“Over? Did you say ‘over’? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no! And it ain't over now. 'Cause when the goin' gets tough … the tough get going! Who’s with me?”
Bluto’s right. Psychotic, but absolutely right. I’m in. We’re okay. Here’s the reality: We’re spoiled. We have two of the top 10 players in the NHL. We have Evgeni Malkin.
What, me worry?
After scoring 15 points in the last nine games and successfully negotiating peace in the Cedric Wilson hostage situation, Geno was able to convince the NHL honchos he’s worthy of the All-Star game. He’s possessed right now. Let’s assume Malkin continues to beast out and celebrate goals like the Nintendo 64 kid a couple times each game, all the while gaining loads of experience and confidence. If Geno can dominate like this now, why would you put him back on Sid’s line? There’s no reason the Pens can’t get back to the original plan of having Sid and Geno centering the top two lines. Even John Blutarsky with his 0.0 GPA knows two scoring lines are better than one.
Malkin can lead us through the desert and keep us in playoff contention through March. Even with the patchwork group in two games without Sid, the team looks fine. We’ll learn a lot from Thursday’s game against the Flyers, who will literally be flying because as I write this they are getting embarrassed in their own building by the Devils.
But before I go, I owe you something about the All-Star game and a suggestion to improve the league. I present to you…
The Hockey YouTube of the Week: I’m tired of people ragging on the NHL All-Star game. Okay Canadian media, we get it -- it’s not “real” hockey. There’s no checking. There’s no defense. We know, and we’re ok with it. You should be too! It’s fun! Just because there’s no place for any of the Maple Leafs, doesn’t mean we should bag the whole thing. It’s not like home-field advantage for the Stanley Cup Finals is on the line (I mean honestly, who would do that? Even the NHL isn’t that desperate!). So if you need a reason to rekindle the All-Star magic, here is a must-see that proves the game is relevant, entertaining, and memorable.
In 1990, as a wee lad, I was fortunate to attend the All-Star game at the Civic Arena. Insanity ensued 21 seconds into the game. Special bonus feature: Look for Kerry Fraser’s hair. It’s criminal that they make him wear a helmet now. Would the NFL ever dream of forcing Ed Hochuli to wear sleeves?
The NHL would be better if the conferences were still named after dead people.
I hope you’re feeling better now. Enjoy watching Evgeni and his landlord in Atlanta next week. Oh and please, back away from that reset button.
I always loved how Marv Albert pronounced Patrick Roy's name as "R-wah." Marv's one of the all-time great play-by-play men, but he sucked at calling hockey.
great post. I'm interested to see how the Pens play without Sid. Having Sid out could actually help Geno develop his game and learn that he has to take over sometimes.
God Bless Ty Conklin
I'd give anything to be able to play some Golden Axe right now.
Did any of you ever play the X-Men game for Sega where you actually had to press the reset button to complete the one stage? I was so confused by that part forever, and I think I finally accidentally figured it out.
PS: Since this was posted it was announced that Tyler Kennedy has mononucleosis. I mean, come on now. Seriously? Mono?
What's next? Yellow fever? The mumps? Bubonic plague?
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