Big Lead Sports Bar


Bengals Fans Hate Mondesi's House

I briefly mentioned this on the air today, but here is an actual link to one of the Anti-Mondesi Bengal message threads. Thought you might get some enjoyment from the angst of tortured Bengal fans.

The guy on the left was the "boating while intoxicated" guy. This was the signature photo of the person who started this thread.


SAMO said...

Don't let their harsh words get to you.

mondesishouse said...

Get to me? I enjoy it! If Bengals fans don't hate this site, I'm doing something majorly wrong.

Steeltown Mike said...
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Steeltown Mike said...

One poster says something to the effect "You're not going to convince me that he's not a classless @$$hole."

Apparently, he (they) also can't be (don't want to be) convinced the Kimo hit on Palmer was not intentional...

Anonymous said...

Wait, Cincy has an NFL Team?

Anonymous said...

Screw the Bengals!

mai wen said...

Yeah, unfortunately I have to LIVE in Cinci with these Bengal fans losers. They're bad enough in cyber-version, think of them in real life!

I like to call Bengals fan "new money" - they don't remember what it's like to be a Decent football team so they act a fool about it all.

I would pity them if I didn't have to live next to them and work with them.

Anonymous said...

This is the same group of fans that were disappointed when Bob Huggins was fired with the NCAA's worst graduation rate. Mai Wen hit the nail on the head with the "new money" theory. They are like Patriot fans without the Super Bowl wins. Cocky, arrogant, and not fans of their team until they didn't suck.

Anonymous said...

I noticed on that "Bengals" site that their fans are calling the Steelers the "Squealers".

I think we ought to change the Bengals' name to "Sin see Bungholes". This name makes more sense for them than "Squealers" does for us.

Anonymous said...

Bengals fans are like the 2004 Red Sox fans. They never experience winning, so when they do, they must make up for years upon years of lost trash talking opportunities.

Bmetzer66 said...

loving your site....begging for a link here? Any chance?? Heard you on Dve and was cracking up....Your break down of the division was priceless!!!!

mondesishouse said...

Just added your Pens site to the links section, and will give it a mention in my Friday link wrapup. Thanks for listening/reading!

Anonymous said...

Bengal fans: They went from non-existant to overzealous in under a year's time.

The guy said he hoped your mom got cancer.

You made a joke about football... he said he hopes your mom gets cancer. Yeah... that's ummm sane and all.

And I love when 12-year-olds get on the internet and say they not only hate a team, but every one of their fans, their entire cities, their mothers, their mothers hometowns and everyone there, etc etc etc. Whoa little buddy, it's only football!

mai wen summed it up perfectly by the way.

Vee said...

Yeah, as frustrating as it is to share space in the sports bar every Sunday w/ all these "new" 'Gals fans, I always take solace in the fact that they will be gone after this season. The minute Johnson & Johnson bolt for greener pastures, they can go back into hiding along with their Akili Smith and Kijana Carter jerseys.

ps. love the site!

Anonymous said...

In the same breath of giving Mondesi crap about his spelling, the Bunghole fans showed the truth about literacy rates in Cinci...the guy was trying to spell defense, but ended up spelling defence. Is he talking about a fence (as in de fence...think Tattoo from Fantasy Island)? Or, is he just so dumb that he has to reference the fans on tv holding up a big D with a section of fence? Like all true bunghole fans,they like to blame their shortcomings on others. That guy can sleep well at night blaming the state for his education instead of picking up a freakin dictionary. I can't wait to hear the losing excuses that vomit out of the Cinci fags' oops, I mean fans' mouths this year.

mondesishouse said...

I'm still trying to figure out what I spelled wrong

Anonymous said...

The Bengals fans are a collective bunch of jack-offs.